ACH - Complete the ACH form and return it to the Union Hall.
Sign up for worry free ACH Dues payments today!
CREDIT CARD or E-CHECK - Please come in or call the Union Hall at (716) 835-8836 to make a payment over the phone.
CHECK - Please make checks payable to ...
24 Libety Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14215
Journeyperson - $30.00
Classified - $30.00
Disabled - $16.00
Retiree - $16.00
Apprentice - $13.00
Utility - $10.00
Monthly Union Dues FAQ.
When are my union dues due?
Your dues should be paid one month in advance.
Example: If you are paying for January dues they are to be received in the office prior to closing by the last business day of the month. Please note this is one of the requirements to be nominated for an elected position as well as the AD&D policy through SMART International.
Am I billed for my dues?
No, you are not billed. It is your responsibility to make sure your dues are paid on time.
What can I do if I need to pay my dues immediately?
You can call the Union Hall to pay your dues over the phone during normal business hours. Please note you must speak to someone to pay by phone.
As per the SMART Constitution, any member who become two (2) months in arrears shall result in suspension of membership. You cannot work once you have gone suspended, therefore you must be reinstated.
Forfeit of Membership
Once you have gone Suspended and have not reinstated as per the constitution, you will be forfeited and will no longer be a member. You must call our Financial Secretary, John Helak, at (716) 835-8836 to be reinitiated.
Withdrawal Card
Application for withdraw cards shall be accompanied by payment of all dues and financial obligations due to the union, plus $50.00. Members on withdrawal cards shall pay dues at the rate of $60.00 per year; said dues to be paid in advance on or before the first of the day of the year.