Get Paid to Learn a Trade
Our apprentice training consists of 5 years of formal classroom instruction combined with 8,000 hours of on-the-job training. Apprentices attend school 2 evenings a week, for four hours an evening, covering every aspect of the local sheet metal industry. If you are interested in a career that allows you to earn as you learn, as well as providing you with personal satisfaction, we welcome you to join our organization. Watch this quick video to find out if this could be for you!
Applications must be completed online through our website. Applicants without the ability to complete the online application can go to Local Union #71, 24 Liberty Ave., Buffalo, NY 14215, to be provided with a device to complete the application online.
Apprenticeship Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I apply for the Apprenticeship Program?
To apply for the apprenticeship program, applicants need to complete an application on our website at https://www.smartlocal71.com/apprenticeship-application. Applicants without the ability to complete the online application can complete the online application at our Union Hall during normal business hours. Please note we are regulated by the Department of Labor (DOL) so this is the only way that applications can be given out or accepted.
Am I eligible to become an apprentice?
A list of minimum qualifications to become an apprentice can be found at the link above.
What happens after I fill out an application?
Anyone that fills out an application is invited for an interview. It is a two-step interview process comprised of a phone interview and an in-person interview. Applicants must complete both interviews in the allotted time to be considered for a position in our apprenticeship. Phone interviews are held multiple times a week and in-person interviews are held the fourth Wednesday of every March, June, September and December unless otherwise noted. All communications are sent via email unless otherwise requested, so be sure to let us know if your address or contact information changes. Anyone that completes the interview process successfully is given a score based on their qualifications, interview and other traits. They are then placed on our rank list, which is regulated by the DOL, from highest score to lowest score. Within a few weeks of interviews, everyone on the rank list will be sent a Notification of Standing. This notice includes your score and current rank. Please note – your score and rank can change based on the other applicants’ scores, any additional points awarded, etc. Applicants can stay on the rank list for up to two years at which point they would fall off and could begin the application process again.
When will I know if I’m appointed as an apprentice?
Due to the nature of our business, class size, start date and other aspects of our program are based on the needs of our contractors. We typically put on one class per year and classes usually start in September. After the in-person interviews are completed in March, selections for the next class are made. Positions are offered according to the rank list.
Do all applicants get into the program?
Unfortunately, not all applicants are offered a position in our program. It can be a rather lengthy process to get into the program.
What can I do to better my chances?
Although there are many ways to earn points (such as providing certificates or taking continuing education classes), some of our apprentices start out working for one of our contractors as a Utility Worker before they become an apprentice. This is an entry level position and may not always be available, but it helps applicants gain experience. If the contractor chooses, they can submit a letter of recommendation to the program, which can earn applicants extra points. Utility worker applications can be completed on our website https://www.smartlocal71.com/classified-utility-application at any time.
What does the apprenticeship program entail?
Our apprenticeship is a five (5) year program, during which apprentices attend school two (2) nights per week and work for one of our many contractors during the day. Although full time employment is not guaranteed, our apprentices are usually in high demand.
What does a sheet metal worker do?
There are many different career paths that a sheet metal worker can take. Check out this video and virtual reality simulator to what to expect from a career in the sheet metal industry.